Ototoxic Chemicals and Noise at Work |
Some dangerous chemicals are Ototoxic (i.e. poisonous to the ear) and a synergy has been noted between noise and some organic solvents where they are used in a noisy environment.
Ototoxic chemicals may damage the cochlea in the inner ear and/or the auditory neurological pathways leading to hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo. It is more likely persons will experience hearing damage through a combination of chemicals and noise.
The direct evidence is limited; however awareness of this fact should be taken into account during risk assessments.
What Chemicals are Ototoxic?
Below are some chemical associated with hearing loss:
- Benzene
- Carbon disulfide
- Carbon monoxide
- Ethylbenzene
- Hydrogen cyanide
- Lead
- Mercury
- n-Hexane
- Solvent mixtures
- Styrene
- Trichloroethylene
- Toluene
- Xylene
Other Noise Induced Hearing Risks
Pregnancy & Noise Tinnitus at Work
Contact Us
If you believe your workplace require a Noise at Work Survey and Audiometric Testing, contact Noise at Work Consultancy today, call us on 01905 319 641 or email,
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