Noise at Work Risk Assessment

The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 are intended to reduce the risk of occupational hearing damage and other noise related effects at work and require an occupational noise survey to be carried out.

The survey must include the measurement and recording of A- weighted broadband personal noise exposure levels at representative locations throughout the workplace where employees may be exposed to potentially high and harmful levels of noise.


Noise at work Surveys

The results of the noise survey can then be incorporated into a written noise risk assessment which will include the following elements:


  • The calculation of the daily or weekly personal exposure to noise LEPD and peak noise LC PEAK noise exposure levels.
  • The comparison of the calculated daily or weekly personal exposures and peak noise levels with the exposure action and limit values of the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.
  • The definition of the status of all assessed areas or tasks with reference to the specified action levels and associated risks and the identification of temporary or permanent hearing protection zones. This information can be presented as a site noise map.
  • Guidance on the provision of hearing protection with the correct attenuation characteristics to reduce noise exposure at the ear to safe levels. This may necessitate complementary octave band analysis or the measurement of  C weighted broadband sound exposure levels.
  • Guidance on the implementation and maintenance of an appropriate noise management and hearing conservation programme to reduce exposure to noise both in the short term but more importantly over the long term. This may involve developing a programme of noise reduction measures, the provision of appropriate  information and training to employees and occupational hearing (audiometric) testing where the risk of noise induced hearing loss has been identified as high.




All survey work is carried out using Type 1 integrating, data logging sound level meters fitted with 1:1 Octave Band Filters and Type 2 Noise Dosimeters. All instruments are fully calibrated and traceable back to National Standards.


Noise at Work testing equipment




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